Learn why it is so critical to both say and spell a student's name correctly. We also have some strategies and tools for learning new names, as well as tips on how to ensure that student names are written and spelled accurately.
The importance of names and of saying them correctly
Hena Khan talks about conversations she has had with children about the importance of names, as well as what it felt like when her best friend wanted to change her name.
Your name is the most profound thing about you
Hena Khan recalls her experiences with teachers mispronouncing her names, as well as the impact that mispronounced names can have on students.
Strategy: Selecting and previewing vocabulary
ELL expert Susan Lafond offers some tips for selecting and previewing key vocabulary before a lesson.
Strategy: Pre-teaching content
ELL expert Susan Lafond offers some ideas for pre-teaching concepts before a lesson.
Strategy: How well did you understand that?
ELL expert Susan Lafond shares a quick idea for giving students the chance to show how well they understood what they heard or read.
Strategy: Think-pair-share
ELL expert Susan Lafond describes a quick think-pair-share activity for checking understanding.
Strategy: Ticket in, ticket out
ELL expert Susan Lafond describes a "ticket in, ticket out" activity for checking understanding.
How cognates can help ELLs
ELL expert Susan Lafond describes why cognates can be such a powerful tool for ELLs in learning content and vocabulary.