Videos en español

Colorín Colorado se complace en presentar una rica biblioteca de contenido de videos en español, que incluyen entrevistas con maestros y autores e ilustradores de literatura infantil y juvenil. Los siguientes videos se pueden compartir en eventos familiares a lo largo del año escolar.

Los socios en la elaboración de estos videos son la American Federation of Teachers (AFT), AFT Innovation Fund, National Education Association, Carnegie Corporation y Education Development Center.

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Nuestras series de videos

Meet some of our favorite authors, illustrators, and storytellers! Learn how they got their start, what they love about their work, and where they find their inspiration — as well as stories behind some beloved books.
These professional development video interviews and podcasts with leaders in the ELL field from across the country cover topics from preschool to improving graduation rates, as well as multicultural children's literature and classroom ideas for teachers.

Videos presentados