School Success

As a parent, there are many ways to help your child succeed in school! Helping your child get to school on time, get a good night's sleep, and looking for help if your child is having a hard time are all important steps that will make a difference each day. In the U.S., there is also more interaction between schools and families than in other countries. You can meet your child's teacher at events such as Back-to-School night and Parent-Teacher conferences and ask questions any time during the year. Learn more from the resources here!
What You'll Find in This Section
Schools in the U.S. have some things in common with schools in other countries, but other things may be very different than what you are used to. These resources provide an introduction so that you know what to expect as you get to know your child’s school.
How Schools Work
As your child gets ready for a new school year, there some steps you can take to help him / her get off to a great start - and to make it a little easier for you too! Here are some back-to-school ideas for parents of kids of all ages.
Parent Tips: Back-to-School
There are lots of ways to make it easier for your child to get homework done each night, even if you are unable to be there during homework time. These tips offer a variety of ideas and also describe steps you can take if your child has difficulty with homework during the school year.
Parent Tips: Homework Help
Every year, schools invite all parents to come meet with teachers in meetings called parent-teacher conferences. This section provides an overview of what to expect from that meeting and examples of questions you may want to ask.
Parent Tips: Conferences
Taking tests has always been a part of going to school, but in recent years the kinds of tests and numbers of tests that kids take have increased. Learn more about those changes and how you can help your child do his or her best, whether for a short spelling quiz or a longer standardized assessment.
Parent Tips: Assessment
As a parent, there are many ways that you can help your child succeed every single day! Helping your child get to school on time, get enough sleep at night, and be able to find homework all will make a difference in your child’s day. These tips describe many ways that you can help support that success.
What You Can Do at Home
Your child's health can have a big impact on his / her ability to succeed in school. If your child needs glasses, has a toothache, or isn't getting enough sleep at night, it will be very difficult to concentrate at school. Here are some tips on keeping your child healthy or seeking extra care when needed.