Best of 2023: New Resources from Colorín Colorado

This collection highlights new Colorín Colorado resources published during 2023 on topics such as supporting newcomers, ELL instruction, family engagement, and professional issues for ELL educators.
You are welcome to share and bookmark these resources and include them in your professional development!
Photo by Allison Shelley for EDUimages
Supporting Newcomers

How Schools Can Partner with ELL Families Who Resettle in Their Community
Supporting Newcomers
Updated! How to Support ELL Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFEs)
Professional Topics for ELL Educators

Video Project: Best Practices for Evaluating ELL Educators
Professional Topics for ELL Educators

Hiring Your School’s First ELL Teacher: 10 Tips for School Leaders
Professional Topics for ELL Educators

Extinguishing Teacher Burnout: Strategies and Resources for Educators
ELL Instruction

The "bilingual brain" and reading research: Questions about teaching ELLs to read
Family Engagement

Henry Sales, Mam Educator: How I Became an Advocate for My Indigenous Community
Social and Emotional Support