Social and Emotional Support for English Language Learners

The following resources highlight many different aspects of social and emotional learning (SEL) and supports for English language learners (ELLs) and immigrant students. This section also includes articles and video projects that highlight how schools around the country are supporting SEL in diverse communities.
Note: We have created two separate SEL resource sections related to ELLs and immigrant students. Many of the topics and considerations overlap, but it is also important to keep in mind that not all ELLs are immigrants and vice versa.
Colorín on the Go
For quick tips you can share, check out our SEL strategies on our free web app, Colorín on the Go!
Photo by Susan Hale Thomas, Videographer/Photographer, ACPS
What You'll Find in This Section
What does social and emotional learning (SEL) look like when implemented effectively with multilingual students and families? Learn more from these resources and case studies!
Social and Emotional Learning: Best Practices for ELLs
Immigrant students can face a number of difficult situations as they acclimate to a new culture. They may also be learning a new language and have significant family responsibilites or experience with trauma. These resources provide guidance on how to help address some of these needs as well as draw on student strengths and resilience.
Social and Emotional Support for Immigrant Students
Community Schools: A Strategy for Success
Learn more about the community school strategy and where you can find additional resources on how community schools work and how they support English language learners and immigrant students.
One way to find extra support for English language learners is to look in the community - volunteer, community organizations, and local businesses may have something to contribute. These resources offer ideas for building relationships and matching community members with student and families needs.
Community Connections: Ideas for Supporting ELLs
Students' health and well-being (as well as that of their families) can have a big impact on their ability to make it to school and stay focused. These resources highlight some creative ideas for promoting healthy decisions school-wide and addressing health challenges with families.
Health & Wellness: Partnering with ELL Families
Learn more about how the COVID-19 pandemic is impacting English language learners (ELLs) and immigrant families and how schools can partner with families to support students.
Social-Emotional Support for ELLs During COVID-19
Partnering with Multilingual Families in Brockton, MA
Learn how the public schools in Brockton, MA support partnerships with multilingual families and the impact those partnerships are having.