When Your Child Needs Extra Help

If your child is having a hard time at school or at home, it may be difficult to know how to get help. These resources offer some ideas for getting started, explain how to work with your child's school to get the right support, and provide information on different reading and writing difficulties.
What You'll Find in This Section
If your child is struggling or has special needs, he or she may need extra kinds of services or support. These resources explain steps you can take if you think your child needs help and provide more information about special education services in U.S. public schools.
School Support for Struggling Learners
What do you need to know about special education and your rights in the special education process? Learn more from these resources. Many are available in different languages.
Special Education and Your Child: Resources for Multilingual Families
Learning to read and write can be very difficult. There are a wide variety of reasons why a child may be having a hard time. These articles provide tips on how to get support and advice if you think your child may need some extra help.