Content Instruction for ELLs

In order for English language learners (ELLs) to become successful students, they need to learn grade-level content as well as the English language skills needed to access that content. The strategies in this section suggest ways in which you can provide your ELLs with additional language support in learning content areas such as math, science, social studies, and language arts.
What You'll Find in This Section
There are a number of strategies that educators can use when teaching English language learners (ELLs) in content areas. If these strategies are new to you, an ESL specialist or colleague may be able to offer some more ideas on how to use these strategies effectively with students at different language levels.
Content Strategies
Math can be a helpful bridge for English language learners (ELLs) that have studied math in their home countries or in other schools. Nevertheless, some students will have limited math experience, and all ELLs will need practice mastering the language of math and learning how to understand word problems and use language in math class for tasks such as explaining their answers. These resources offer strategies for math instruction at various grade and English proficiency levels.
Math Instruction for ELLs
Science can provide exciting opportunities for students to make discoveries and use their language skills, especially through inquiry-based lessons. This section offers strategies, resources, and guidance for helping ELLs succeed in science, as well information about the Next Generation Science Standards.
Science Instruction for ELLs
One of the greatest challenges in helping English language learners (ELLs) master Social Studies content is the role of background knowledge. The resources below provide ideas and guidance for planning effective Social Studies lessons for ELLs as well as for choosing appropriate academic language and vocabulary.
Social Studies Instruction for ELLs
Teaching language arts and literature to English language learners (ELLs) provides rich opportunities for language and literacy development. These resources offer ideas for helping ELLs succeed with grade-level texts and work towards the rigorous demands of the Common Core and other language arts standards. Resources also include ideas for language arts in ELLs' native languages, such as Spanish.
Language Arts Instruction for ELLs
The arts go hand-in-hand with language learning, whether it's learning new words through a song or drawing an experience that a student cannot yet describe. These resources talk about the connection between the arts and language and showcase some creative programs for encouraging the arts in schools.