The Common Core and English Language Learners

How can we help English language learners successfully meet the Common Core State Standards? This resource section offers ideas and materials including classroom videos, teacher interviews, and bilingual parent tips. For more great ideas and resources, see our Common Core and ELLs blog!
What You'll Find in This Section
What do the Common Core State Standards mean for English language learners (ELLs)? These resources offer a user-friendly overview of what ELL educators need to know, as well as updates from the field.
Common Core Basics: English Language Learners
The Common Core's focus on language and literacy provides an opportunity to help ELLs access more rigorous materials. The following strategies, tools, and recommendations are designed to help educators of English language learners and may prove to be very effective for other students as well, particularly in areas such as academic language.
Planning Common Core Instruction for ELLs
These classroom video modules and lesson plan offer a model of Common Core-aligned instruction with English language learners in elementary, middle, and high school. Additional lesson plans and curriculum guidelines are featured below.
Common Core Videos & Lesson Plans
ESL teachers have valuable expertise and an important role to play in the implementation of the Common Core. Their guidance can also support other educators and students throughout the school. Learn more about how their role is changing and how they can contribute to all students' success.
Common Core & ELLs: The Role of ESL Teachers
The following video clips and journal entries have been organized by topic for use in Common Core professional development focused on English language learners (ELLs). These resources feature teachers who participated in Colorín Colorado's Common Core projects in Albuquerque and Poughkeepsie.
Common Core & ELLs: Teacher Reflections
This section offers information about the relationship of English language proficiency (ELP) standards to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) and how the alignment of ELP standards has evolved since the Common Core was launched.
Language Proficiency Standards and the Common Core
The assessments that are aligned to the Common Core State Standards not only include challenging tasks and items, but they require sophisticated computer skills. This section offers some ideas for supporting ELLs as they become more familiar with new test formats and routines.
Common Core & ELLs: Assessment
What's happening in the ELL field around the Common Core? Find updates on the latest research and policy news from these resources and from our expert interviews!
Common Core & ELLs: Research and Policy
Parents have an important role to play in the implementation of the Common Core State Standards. These resources offer questions for discussion, multilingual resources, and video on Common Core basics.