Common Core Basics: English Language Learners

What do the Common Core State Standards mean for English language learners (ELLs)? These resources offer a user-friendly overview of what ELL educators need to know, as well as updates from the field.
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Research and Reports
Application of Common Core State Standards for ELLs
This brief document from the authors of the Common Core State Standards offers general suggestions for implementing the standards with ELLs. A similar document is available for students with disabilities.
Common Core Resources from TESOL
TESOL International Association (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) has published a number of valuable documents in its Common Core resource section that address CCSS opportunities and challenges for ELLs.Highlights include:
- Issue Brief: Common Core and ELLs (March 2013)
- The Changing Role of the ESL Teacher (April 2013)
- TESOL Connections Special Issue on the CCSS (December 2012)
Learn more: Dr. Staehr Fenner offers in-depth discussion of these TESOL resources on our Common Core and ELLs blog.
Californians Together: Advocacy Toolkit
This Advocacy Toolkit offers prepared talking points for use by educators, policy makers, parents and community members in dialogues at the local, district and state levels — raising concerns, pushing for the supports needed to realize the Common Core for English learners, and advancing the vision of English Learner education that the Common Core can make possible.
More information about the toolkit is available from Lesli Maxwell's Learning the Language blog post about the project.