NCELA Webinar: Common Core State Standards and English Learners

Note: This webinar is now archived.

NCELA has just announced it will host a webinar on the CCSS and English learners. Please find more information below.

Date: January 18th, 2013
Time: 1.00PM-3.00PM EST
Presenters: Judy Elliott, Lily Wong Fillmore, and Margarita Calderón


The Common Core State Standards mean greater rigor, higher expectations and considerably greater language demands. Leadership and professional development are needed to act collectively to implement supportive policies, build educator capacity, and develop effective approaches for providing ELs with access to and opportunities for rigorous academic work. NCELA's webinar will bring together three experts who will share an outline of what needs to be done for this population: Judy Elliott, former Chief Academic Officer, Los Angeles Unified School District, Lily Wong Fillmore, University of California, Berkeley, and Margarita Calderón, Professor Emerita, Johns Hopkins University.

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