Testing: An Introduction for Parents

Testing is used in schools for two main purposes. One is to find out how well an individual student is learning in the classroom. The other purpose is to find out how well the school is meeting local and national benchmarks for student achievement. For this purpose schools use standardized tests, usually administered in the spring. The following articles offer a number of suggestions of ways that you can help your child prepare for tests, and support your child's learning habits throughout the school year.

General Test-Taking Skills

As a parent, there are many ways you can support your child's academic success, which will in turn help your child with test-taking throughout the school year. The following articles offer a number of suggestions of ways that you can help your child prepare for tests, and support your child's learning habits.

Preparing Your Child for Testing

This article offers some basic ways that parents can help prepare their child for regular and standardized tests.

See article in English >>

See article in Spanish >>

Parent Tips: Helping Your Child with Test-Taking

This article offers an overview of some of the daily steps that parents can take to support their child's academic success and test-taking.

See article in English >>

See article in Spanish >>

Standardized Testing: An Introduction for Parents

One tool that schools use to learn about students and their academic progress is the standardized test. The following articles explain basic features of these tests and suggest questions you might ask your child's teacher about testing. Understanding the role of testing will help you support your child's efforts at school, and will allow you to develop a stronger relationship between your family and your child's school.

Parents' Guide to Standardized Testing

This article offers answers to questions such as "Why do schools use standardized tests?" and "What should parents know about standardized testing in schools?"

See article in English >>

See article in Spanish >>

Parent Tips: How to Help Your Child Prepare for Standardized Tests

This article offers some ideas for helping children prepare for standardized tests, particularly for children have difficulty taking tests.

See article in English >>

See article in Spanish >>

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