Webinar: Building on the Common Core State Standards to Improve Learning for ELLs

Note: This webinar has been archived.

The Alliance for Excellent Education has announced that it will host a webinar on the CCSS and English language learners entitled "Building on the Common Core State Standards to Improve Learning for ELLs."

Webinar details follow:

Date: February 26, 2013

Time: 1:00 p.m. – 2:30 p.m. (ET)

Presenters: Kenji Hakuta, Mariana Haynes, Carrie Heath Phillips, Susan Pimentel, Maria Santos

Description: The Common Core State Standards and Next-Generation Science Standards present both opportunities and challenges for the growing number of English language learners. A number of initiatives are underway to help English learners access grade-level content while building their language proficiency. Stanford University an initiative—Understanding Language—to look at the language demands contained in the new standards. The Council of Chief State School Officers recently developed the Framework for English Language Proficiency Development Standards to help states understand the sophisticated language competencies English language learners will need to perform in an academic area.

Panelists will discuss these efforts and their respective accomplishments to date along with state and district actions needed to support English learners’ language and content learning. Mariana Haynes, senior fellow at the Alliance, will moderate the discussion. Panelists will also address questions submitted by webinar viewers from across the country.

Panelists include Kenji Hakuta (Stanford University) and Maria Santos (Oakland, CA Unified School District), cochairs of the Understanding Language initiative, and Susan Pimentel (Education Analyst and Standards and Curriculum Specialist) and Carrie Heath Phillips (Council of Chief State School Officers), developers of the Framework for English Language Proficiency Development Standards.

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