Diez Deditos and Other Play Rhymes and Action Songs from Latin America
Illustrated by:

This bilingual collection of finger rhymes and action songs highlights the richness of the Latin American culture to support a child's language development, listening skills and basic concepts. Your kids will have fun singing, clapping, dancing and enjoying vibrant themes such as languages, parts of the body, animals, sounds and musical instruments. This collection also teaches kids the importance of family and self-esteem. Lyrics are presented in both English and Spanish, and easy-to-follow musical accompaniment and diagrams for the corresponding actions are also provided. Bright collage illustrations by Elisa Kleven complete the appeal of this fun-filled book.
Language: Spanish,Spanish (Bilingual Eng/Sp)
Heritage & History: Hispanic Heritage and History
Themes for Children: Cultural Traditions, Poems and Nursery Rhymes, Art, Music, Dance, and Drama
Genre: Nursery Rhymes
Audiobook: No
Age Level: 3-6
Publisher: Arcoiris