Drift: A Novel

Product Description: At sixteen, Robert Lomos has lost his family. His father, a Latin jazz musician, has left San Antonio for life on the road as a cool-hand playboy. His mother, shattered by a complete emotional and psycho-logical breakdown, has moved to Los Angeles and taken Robert's little brother with her. Only his iron-willed grandmother, worn down by years of hard work, is left. But Robert's got a plan: Duck trouble, save his money, and head to California to put the family back together. Trouble is, no one believes a delinquent Mexican American kid has a chance — least of all, Robert himself.
Culture/Community: Mexican / Mexican American
Heritage & History: Hispanic Heritage and History
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Big Responsibilities, Coming of Age, Family and Friends, Displacement
Genre: Fiction
Format: Novel
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Young Adult
Publisher: Picador