Just Like Us: The True Story of Four Mexican Girls Coming of Age in America

Product Description: Just Like Us tells the story of four high school students whose parents entered this country as undocumented immigrants from Mexico. We meet the girls on the eve of their senior prom in Denver, Colorado. All four of the girls have grown up in the United States, and all four want to live the American dream, but only two have documents. Just Like Us is a coming-of-age story about girlhood, friendship, and identity — what it means to steal an identity, what it means to have a public identity, what it means to inherit an identity from parents.
Culture/Community: Mexican / Mexican American
Heritage & History: Hispanic Heritage and History
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Prom, Strong Girls and Women, Big Responsibilities, Bicultural Kids, Coming of Age, Identity, Immigration, Journeys, Urban Stories
Genre: Non-Fiction
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Young Adult
Publisher: Scribner