Lucha Libre: The Man in the Silver Mask

Product Description: In Xavier Garza's bilingual kids' book, young Carlitos attends his first lucha libre match in Mexico City. At ringside, Carlitos sees the famous luchador — the Man in the Silver Mask, a man whose eyes look terribly familiar. The masked wrestler even smiles at Carlitos! He is mesmerized as the Man in the Silver Mask is pitted against the terrible forces of evil — los rudos, the bad guys of lucha libre. They make the audience boo and hiss! In the end, though, the Man in the Silver Mask triumphs and, in the process, gains a lifelong fan.
Culture/Community: Mexican / Mexican American
Heritage & History: Hispanic Heritage and History
Themes for Children: Sports
Format: Picture Book
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Middle Grade
Publisher: Cinco Puntos Press
Book Series: Lucha Libre: Stories of Adventure and Mystery