Magda's Tortillas
Illustrated by:

Product Description: Even at the advanced age of seven, Magda Madrigal can remember back to when she was a little girl and would watch her abuela making tortillas. Having studied techniques of a master, she now feels confident of her own ability to turn out beautiful, delicious, and round tortillas. But somehow the rolling pin and the kitchen still hold a few surprises for the perplexed Magda and for her delighted family. Great art isn't always pretty, but in the case of "tortilla artist" Magda Madrigal, at least it's tasty!
Culture/Community: Mexican / Mexican American
Heritage & History: Hispanic Heritage and History
Themes for Children: Family and Friends, My Home, Food, and Clothes
Format: Picture Book
Audiobook: No
Age Level: 6-9
Publisher: Arte Público Press