Answering Guiding Questions with Middle School ELLs
In this lesson, students read an excerpt from the novel Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck about a man who takes a road trip with his dog.
Teacher: Katie Soto
Grade: 7 and 8
School Name: Poughkeepsie Middle School, Poughkeepsie, NY
Answering guiding questions with middle school ELLs
In this lesson based on the novel Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck, students will engage in a close read of the text through the use of guiding and ...
Grade 7: Language Arts Standards
Reading Standards for Literature 6-12
- Standard: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. (RL.7.2)
Speaking & Listening Standards 6-12
- Standard: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. (SL.7.1)
Language Standards 6-12
- Standard: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases. (L.7.6)
Lesson Summary
In this lesson, students will read an excerpt from the novel Travels With Charley by John Steinbeck about a man who takes a road trip with his dog.
The featured activity is focused on the second paragraph of the excerpt and illustrates strategies for answering guiding and supplementary questions with middle school English language learners.
Things to watch for:
- Step-by-step instruction for answering supplementary and guiding questions
- A variety of vocabulary instruction techniques
- Informal assessment through the exit slip strategy
- The use of tools such as context clues
- A combination of pair work and whole class discussion
- Multiple opportunities for student engagement
Alignment to Common Core Standards
Grade 7: Language Arts Standards
Reading Standards for Literature 6-12
- Standard: Determine a theme or central idea of a text and analyze its development over the course of the text; provide an objective summary of the text. (RL.7.2)
Speaking & Listening Standards 6-12
- Standard: Engage effectively in a range of collaborative discussions (one-on-one, in groups, and teacher-led) with diverse partners on grade 7 topics, texts, and issues, building on others' ideas and expressing their own clearly. (SL.7.1)
Language Standards 6-12
- Standard: Acquire and use accurately grade-appropriate general academic and domain-specific words and phrases. (L.7.6)
Related ELL Strategies
From Colorín Colorado's Common Core and ELLs Blog
- Text-Dependent Questions for ELLs (Part 1)
- Creating Text-Dependent Questions for ELLs: Examples for Second Grade (Part 2)
- Background Knowledge: A Key to Close Reading with ELLs
- Common Core Curriculum Rubric: Meeting the Needs of ELLs
- Common Core Tools: Making Curriculum Units More Accessible for ELLs
- Writing “Just Right” Research Questions: Strategies for ELLs
From Colorín Colorado
- Reading Comprehension Strategies for ELLs
Strategies for building background knowledge, selecting key vocabulary words, and checking comprehension. - Reading 101 for English Language Learners
An overview of strategies that can be used in reading instruction for ELLs when teaching vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. - Academic Language for English Language Learners
A resource section featuring a number of academic language instruction strategies ESL, content-area, and classroom educators. - Vocabulary Development for ELLs
Strategies for choosing and teaching vocabulary to ELLs - Using cognates to develop Comprehension in English
Using cognates to build on native language literacy - How to Develop a Lesson Plan that Includes ELLs
These tips offer suggestions for scaffolding ELL instruction.