Teaching About Elections: ELL Resources

Multilingual polling place sign

Find resources for teaching about elections with your English language learners (ELLs) in our updated collection, as well as booklists, multimedia civics resources, and tips focused on media literacy.

Note: Colorín Colorado is a public media project based at PBS station WETA in Washington, DC.

Election & Civics Resources for Students

Media Literacy

Spanish-Language Election Information

Teaching ELL and Immigrant Students

Current events

Books & Authors

My America: Many Voices, Many Stories

These books celebrate a diverse range of American voices and experiences, including voting in an election, immigrating to this country, and the journey to becoming a U.S. citizen.

Featured Video: Janet Wong reads "Liberty"

Poet Janet Wong reads and discusses her poem "Liberty", which is featured in Poems to Learn by Heart.

Book and Activity Guides

More booklists

Reading Rockets offers the following great booklists about elections, government, and U.S. presidents:

See additional titles in School Library Journal's 22 Fiction and Nonfiction Books About Voting and Elections for Children of All Ages.