ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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Elementary ESL students publish anthology of poems

Nearly 30 students enrolled in English as a Second Language writing classes at New Highland Elementary School are publishing an anthology of poems adapted from Kentucky educator George Ella Lyon's "Where I Am From" project that promotes a positive understanding of diversity.

English-Learners and Graduation: How ESSA Could Penalize ELLs and Their Schools

The nation's federal K-12 law may be penalizing older English-language learners and the schools that educate them, a new report from the Migration Policy Institute argues. By making four-year graduation rates such a prominent part of school accountability plans, the Every Student Succeeds Act could lead administrators in traditional high schools to turn away older English-learner students who may need additional time to earn their high school diplomas, posits Julie Sugarman, a senior policy analyst with the institute and the report's author.

'Do They Kick Out Pregnant People?' Navigating College With Kids

Nearly 4 million college students are student parents — that's about a fifth of all undergraduates. "These are the people we need to be investing in," says Lindsey Reichlin Cruse, who studies student parents at the Institute for Women's Policy Research. "They're really facing the odds, working hard to provide for their families and that's what this country is built on." And the data shows that investing in these students is a good bet. Student parents have better GPAs and grades than their classmates without kids. But, they are less likely to graduate. "It's these other factors, these life factors that get in the way," says Reichlin Cruse.

Graduation rates for R.I.'s English-language learners fall for third straight year

The percentage of English-language learners who graduated from Rhode Island's public high schools on time fell to 71.7 percent for the class of 2018, the third straight year that the state's fastest-growing student population has seen a decline in its graduation rate, the state announced Friday. The downward trend in outcomes for English learners — their graduation rate was 77 percent in 2015 — comes as policymakers continue to craft a long-term plan to improve performance metrics in Rhode Island schools.
