ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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ICE Releases Minors Caught In Ohio Raid and Some Workers "For Humanitarian Reasons"

After a raid on Tuesday that led to the arrest of 114 undocumented employees — rounded up by more than 100 immigration agents, using dogs and helicopters — at an Ohio landscaping company, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials reported some workers have been released for "humanitarian reasons." Meanwhile, immigrant rights advocates said minors and U.S.-born workers caught up in the sting were released after nearly 12 hours in detention. On Wednesday ICE spokesman Khaalid Walls told NPR, some of those who were picked up had been released for a variety of humanitarian reasons, "including health, or primary care for a minor child."

A Third of Students Need Eye Exams, Study Finds

Despite the spread of nearsightedness among U.S. schoolchildren, nearly 1 in 3 has not had a vision screening in at least two years, according to a new Education Week Research Center analysis of federal data, and research suggests several ways schools may help reduce children's risk of bad eyesight.

Can educators call ICE on students? Betsy DeVos Walks Back Controversial Remarks

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos on Tuesday walked back controversial remarks she made to Congress two weeks ago, clarifying in a Senate hearing that she does not think teachers and principals can report students to immigration authorities. On Tuesday, DeVos reversed course after a lengthy exchange with Sen. Chris Murphy (D-Conn.) during a hearing of a Senate Appropriations subcommittee. Murphy pressed DeVos to clarify her remarks five times before she definitively answered that she did not think that federal law allowed principals or teachers to call ICE on students.

Using Data to Decode English-Learner Education

A Washington-based think tank wants to provide a road map to help parents, policymakers, and the public better understand the ins-and-outs of English-language-learner education. The Migration Policy Institute's "A Guide to Finding and Understanding English Learner Data" explores what type of data that school systems, states, and the federal government collect on English-learners and how the information is used—and how it shouldn't be used.

114 Workers in Immigration Raid at Ohio Gardening Company

A swarm of immigration agents arrested more than 100 workers at an Ohio gardening and landscaping company Tuesday morning, one of the largest of several recent workplace raids carried out as part of the Trump administration's crackdown on immigration enforcement. Dozens of the workers' children were left stranded at day-care centers and with babysitters, local activists wrote on social media.

From DACA Students to Rhodes Scholars to Foster-Care Youth, A Look at Some Unusual College-Goers

The New York Times has a new education supplement, called Learning, and The Hechinger Report is collaborating with the Times to produce Bulletin Board, a collection of noteworthy ideas and trends in education that will appear on page 2 of the section, which will come out four times a year. The June issue's theme was "Challenges in Higher Education." Highlights from Bulletin Board follow.

Local Immigrant Inclusion Group Offering Training for English as a Second Language Teachers

A local immigrant inclusion initiative, All for All, is recruiting English as A Second Language teachers to participate in a year-long professional development program. ESL teachers have reported feeling isolated and overwhelmed as Pittsburgh’s immigrant and refugee population grows and diversifies. Organizers said ESL teachers in the region have limited access to training and opportunities to share best practices with other teachers at a time when the ELL population in the area is growing.

What's Happening in the Brain of a Multi-Lingual Child?

Have you ever considered what might be going in the mind of someone who happens to be multilingual? Modern research continues to point to the fact that individuals who speak more than one language have a tremendous advantage. The brain becomes permanently shaped and influenced by the addition of an extra language, but is that where it stops?

How Puppetry Class Helps District 54 English Language Learners

An unusual partnership played out last week when students in the Playful Puppeteers Club from Churchill School in Schaumburg set up their stage and puppets in front of Opera in Focus, a professional puppet theater in Rolling Meadows. The young puppeteers from Schaumburg are all English Learner students, whose participation in the club strengthens their language and reading skills, as well as their self-confidence and teamwork, their teachers said.
