ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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Games Are Memorable Teaching Tools or ESL Learners

Children love playing games, particularly during school hours. Fun experiences are memorable to the brain, which has been shown to help information stick — an especially important component to ESL learning.

Helping English-Learners Understand Vocabulary With 7 Steps

In this video, a 9th-grade world studies teacher introduces a seven-step process to help English-language learners learn new vocabulary. The process starts with repeating the word three times and ends with students discussing the meaning and usage of the word with a peer.

What the U.S. Could Learn from Canada About Integrating Immigrant Students

In Canadian public schools, the children of new immigrants do as well as native-born children within three years of arriving. There kids don't just get language and academic support; their home cultures are celebrated as they are integrated into classes. And strong social services and healthy education funding help too. Special correspondent Kavitha Cardoza of Education Week reports.

How 5 Districts Unlock ELLs' Math Potential

Across the country, many English-learners don't have access to the same high-quality math courses that their native English-speaking peers do. These five California districts offer a road map to change.

Don't Underestimate, Shortchange ELLs With Disabilities, Researcher Argues

Some educators feel bilingualism is "too lofty a goal" for English-language learners with disabilities, an attitude that could limit the educational trajectory of an already underserved population, a new study found. During a seven-month ethnographic study, Sara Kangas, an applied linguist and assistant professor in Lehigh's College of Education, found that some educators did not prioritize language services for ELLs because they had low expectations for the students. "This underscores the necessity for teacher education programs to work towards systematically dismantling these perceptions through curricula," Kangas wrote in her study.

In a Heavily Puerto Rican City, Schools Scramble to Help Students Displaced By Hurricane

Since Hurricane Maria struck Puerto Rico last year, more than 24,000 students have left for the U.S. mainland and more than 400 came to Hartford, Connecticut, where a third of residents identify as Puerto Rican. Now, Hartford is working to support the students amid a series of budget difficulties. Ivette Feliciano reports on the challenges facing the school system and students.

Arizona Lawmakers Consider Alternatives for English-Language Learners

After years of forcing students who aren't proficient in English into four-hour blocks of intensive English immersion that research shows is ineffective, Arizona lawmakers are considering alternatives. Legislation to allow English-language learners to enroll in dual language courses unanimously cleared an Arizona Senate Education Committee Thursday, moving the state one step closer toward ending what some educators call more than a decade of educational "malpractice."

English Only: Millennials Reflect on Growing Up Latino in Arizona Schools

Ana Maria Rodriguez, a social worker from Phoenix, was born and raised in Arizona. But she didn’t start learning how to speak, read and write in English until she began taking bilingual classes in elementary school. That’s because Rodriguez’s parents, who immigrated from Mexico before she was born, spoke only Spanish. So when her elementary school — the only means she had to learn English — traded in its bilingual classes for state-mandated English-only immersion programs, she felt stumped. She said the English-only policies, required by the 2003 ballot initiative Proposition 203, caused her to feel ashamed of not speaking English fluently. That, in turn, caused her to resent her own identity. "I hated, hated, hated, hated being Hispanic, or being Mexican, and speaking that language because I felt like other people didn't like me," Rodriguez said. "I’ve always had that insecurity." Rodriguez isn’t alone. Many millennial-aged Latinos say the state's push for English-only education affected the way they viewed their transnational identities and cultures.
