ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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Remote learning made it challenging for English learners to practice speaking skills. This district is finding ways to help.

For many teachers of English learners, working with students to build oral language skills has been especially crucial this year.  That’s because remote learning made those skills harder to practice last year. A report released this month detailed some of the common challenges: Students had fewer opportunities to talk with their classmates online, and teachers who specialized in language support often got pulled away to help with other duties. The charts and word banks that students rely on as they learn to speak a new language were harder to share in virtual classrooms, too.

Researchers unearth the painful history of a Native boarding school in Missouri

In the last two years, Canada and several U.S. states have begun to recognize their histories with Native American boarding schools, institutions that set out to “assimilate” Native American children into westernized U.S. ways of life by stripping them of Indigenous tradition and culture. What would start with a small number of schools following the Indian Civilization Fund Act in 1819 would eventually grow to more than 350 “government-funded, and often church-run” schools across the United States in the 19th and 20th centuries, according to the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition.

How to Help Teens Struggling With Mental Health

Managing a mental health crisis can be challenging for teenagers and their parents. It is often unchartered territory that needs to be navigated with the utmost sensitivity. This guidance may help.

'A livable future': Denver students push sustainability policies

Denver Public Schools has one electric school bus, solar panels in 46 locations, and 126 school and community gardens. But students are pushing the district to do more and become a national leader on climate action, sustainability, and environmental justice. "I really want to ensure a livable future for me and my generation," Amelia Fernández Rodríguez, a freshman at DSST: Conservatory Green high school, recently told the school board. She is a member of a group called DPS Students for Climate Action.

Libraries Revamp Summer Reading, Offer Greater Choice in Books and Where to Participate, Including Outdoors

Such preparation goes into a smooth, exciting summer program — and each year, it's a new challenge to keep things fresh and manageable for staff. That's especially true these days. After two years of remote and hybrid programming, with varying levels of success, many schools and libraries have significantly rethought or streamlined their summer reading initiatives, with more reading choice; outdoor, online, or in-person options; and more. Here's how six libraries are updating and refreshing their plans for 2022.
