ELL News Headlines

Throughout the week, Colorín Colorado gathers news headlines related to English language learners from around the country. The ELL Headlines are posted Monday through Friday and are available for free!

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Nine Native American Graphic Novels

The border guard steps over to the car and asks the woman inside to declare her citizenship. "Blackfoot," she responds. Thus begins the impasse that defines Borders, a graphic novel adapted by Natasha Donovan from the short story by Thomas King. The narrator and his mother are traveling from Canada to the United States. When the mother refuses to declare any citizenship other than Blackfoot, the Americans turn her away, and when she returns to the Canadian border post, the same thing happens. She and her young son are trapped in the gray area between borders. The story is a meditation on citizenship and nationality, as well as a testament to the fact that before any European set foot in North America, hundreds of sovereign nations stretched from coast to coast — sovereign nations that still exist. Borders is one of a growing number of graphic novels by and about Native people depicting a wide range of experiences and cultures.

Study: Bilingual Ed Boosts English Writing

A first-of-its-kind study from the University of Kansas (KU), examining three key cognitive functions and their role in learning to write, suggests that insufficient focus on bilingual education has hindered the progress of Hispanic English learners (ELs).

Q&A: What Is Culturally Responsive Teaching?

Mandy Smoker Broaddus is a practice expert in Native education at Education Northwest, which provides education support services to schools, districts, and communities. She’s also a member of the Assiniboine and Sioux Tribes of the Fort Peck Reservation in Montana. Through her work, she provides technical assistance and professional development in schools, tribal colleges, and at the state level. Here, she outlines the importance of culturally responsive teaching for all students.

Upcoming Webinar: Helping English-Learners Through Improved Parent Outreach: Strategies That Work

Communicating with families is key to helping students thrive – and that’s become even more apparent during a pandemic that’s upended student well-being and forced constant logistical changes in schools. Educators should pay particular attention to the needs of parents who speak a language other than English at home, ensuring they stay informed and feel comfortable engaging in the school setting. In this webinar on Nov. 30 at 2pm ET, we’ll discuss concrete ways schools and districts can improve communication with families of English-language learners, including through alternate staffing approaches and smart use of technology.

Poetry inspired by a viral photo of drowned migrants wins the National Book Award

Floaters, Martín Espada's collection of poems that explore bigotry, protests and love, is the 2021 winner of the National Book Award in poetry. The title poem draws on a tragedy: the deaths of Óscar Alberto Martínez Ramírez, 25, and his young daughter, Angie Valeria, whose bodies were found in the water along the Rio Grande.

Tapping Into English Language Learners’ Strengths

Equity in education is the personalized assurance that all students receive the resources they need to thrive in the academic setting. One way to do that in a class with English language learners, or multilingual students, is to leverage culturally sustaining practices, which stem from the belief that multilingual learners possess a diverse array of experiences and skills that contribute to the dynamics of the learning environment and their own academic success.

Leadership for ESL Teacher Recruitment and Retention

As the numbers of English learners continue to rise in U.S. schools, the need also rises for schools and districts to increase the number of qualified (content and pedagogically proficient), culturally competent, and credentialed teachers prepared to teach them.
