What resources are available for teachers of ELLs that are 2, 3, 4, and 5 years old? We have quite a variety of languages in our school.

You might begin by exploring the TESOL (Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages) website, which offers ESL standards for PreK through 12th grade. The Texas Education Agency has also published very detailed curriculum guidelines for PreK, which include guidelines for ESL students.

Explore the Colorín Colorado website for activities to use in the classroom. The Families section has many resources that would be excellent for use in the PreK classroom with ELLs from any background. The section called Fun Reading Tips and Activities, for example, has links to lots of activities that build phonological awareness and other important early literacy skills. In the Educators section, the page on Reading in Kindergarten also has many resources that would be great for PreK, as well as Kindergarten.

You can also find a wide variety of excellent activities on the PALS (Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening) website. In the Activities section, under Instructional Resources, you can click on skills such as "phonological awareness" and "writing" and then choose "Prekindergarten" or "Kindergarten" to find activities specifically designed for students at those levels.