Students with Interrupted Formal Education

These articles and videos provide a profile of students with interrupted formal education (SIFEs) and their needs, recommendations of best practices, and examples of the kinds of quality support that will accelerate their academic achievement.
Featured Articles
Related Video
Books and Booklists
Research and Reports
- Enabling Academic Success For Secondary Students with Limited Formal Schooling: A Study of the Haitian Literacy Program at Hyde Park High School in Boston
- Best Practices for Adolescent ELLs
- Students with Interrupted Education: A Challenge for New York City Public Schools
- Effective Programs for English Language Learners (ELL) with Interrupted Formal Education
Recommended Resources
- Proceedings of the New York State Symposium on the Education of Over-Age Limited English Proficient Students with Interrupted Formal Schooling
- Keys to Success for Bilingual Students with Limited Formal Schooling
- Enabling Academic Success for Secondary Students with Limited Formal Schooling
- Worldwide Literacy: ELL Students with Interrupted Formal Education (SIFE) in New York City Schools