On February 26 I was fortunate to attend the Alliance for Excellent Education’s briefing on the CCSS for ELLs in Washington, DC.
In this week’s post, I’ll share some information related to assessing ELLs that I gathered while attending the Council of Chief State School Officers National Conference on Student Assessment last week.
Diane Staehr Fenner describes California's new English Language Arts/English Language Development (ELA/ELD) Framework and its distinctive features, themes, and guidance. She also offers some ideas on what this framework could mean for teachers in their work with ELLs.
In our last post, we shared information about the new Teaching Channel ELL video series based on Academic Conversations (2011) by Jeff Zwiers and Marie Crawford. This week we’d like to delve deeper into these resources and provide strategies for building the oral language skills of ELLs across content areas that are framed around four practices.