In this post, I’ll describe the shifts of the CCSS for Mathematics, share Dr. Anita Bright’s analysis of what the new standards will mean for ELLs, provide Dr. Judit Moschkovich’s recommendations for connecting mathematical content to language, and share some resources on the CCSS for Mathematics.
SAP is a non-profit organization founded by the lead writers of the Common Core whose primary aim is to ensure that teachers can put the new standards to work effectively.
Education Week's Lesli Maxwell reports that the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) will translate Common Core math assessments into Spanish and possibly other languages.
Suddenly I’m hearing about many new resources focused on teaching CCSS-based mathematics to ELLs, as well as updates from the field and I’ll share them with you in this post.
More new resources that will support ELLs with instruction aligned to the Common Core State Standards. This time, the new resources come in the form of Resource Guides for scaffolding the instruction of ELLs. I’ll tell you what the Resource Guides are, how they were developed, and I'll highlight some features of each.
First, I will set the stage by sharing one expert's view of academic language for ELLs. Next, I will introduce you to a new book series from Corwin that focuses on theory as well as practical ideas for teaching ELLs the academic language of mathematics and English language arts. Finally, I’ll showcase some practical examples for teaching mathematics to ELLs in grade 2 from one of the book’s chapters.
This week, I’ll give you a recap of instructional considerations and resources for teaching a CCSS-based curriculum to ELLs.