Anna McQuinn

Books by This Author

Leo on a Hike

Dad carrying son in a backpack
Illustrated by: Ruth Hearson
Age Level: 0-3

Leo is ready to hike. He and Daddy head out on the trail, observing all the wildlife along the way. They see tall trees, tiny flowers, and even some crawling bugs. Soon Leo is determined to explore on his own, following a busy bee and lingering to look at a slow worm. By the end of the hike, both explorers are tired, happy, and ready to return another day!

Lola at the Library

Young girl in front of bookshelf
Illustrated by: Rosalind Beardshaw
Language: Spanish, Spanish (Bilingual Eng/Sp)

Lola loves Tuesday because it's library day! She is ready to go with her library card and backpack full of books. Young readers will easily relate to Lola and her excitement about the library. Colorful illustrations of Lola, her mommy, and the library are a perfect match for the charming text. Also available in Spanish.

Lola Plants a Garden

Illustrated by: Rosalind Beardshaw
Age Level: 0-3

How does your garden grow?Book-loving Lola is inspired by a collection of garden poems that she reads with her mommy. She wants to plant her own garden of beautiful flowers, so she and Mommy go to the library to check out books about gardening. They choose their flowers and buy their seeds. They dig and plant. And then they wait. Lola finds it hard to wait for her flowers to grow, but she spends the time creating her own flower book. Soon she has a garden full of sunflowers and invites all of her friends for cakes and punch and a story amongst the flowers.

Lola Reads to Leo

Lola reading to Leo on the couch
Illustrated by: Rosalind Beardshaw
Age Level: 0-3
Language: Spanish

Lola is excited that she’s going to become a big sister. She and her parents are prepared for Leo's arrival — especially Lola who reads to him on every occasion! Warm paintings illustrate this gently, recognizable look at one family's everyday goings-on.