Karen Nemeth is an author, consultant and advocate for improving early education for young children from different language backgrounds. She hosts a resource website at www.languagecastle.com.
Books by This Author
Digital Decisions: Choosing the Right Technology Tools for Early Childhood Education
Product Description: This no-nonsense, jargon-free guide will help you evaluate the tools and opportunities technology has to offer and integrate them into your early childhood classroom so you can offer real-life, hands-on, interactive activities to children. Digital Decisions is filled with charts, resources, and an array of activities that maximize technology as an interactive learning tool. Each chapter provides supporting guidance to make technology most effective for those working with children who are dual language learners or may have special needs.
Many Languages, Building Connections: Supporting Infants and Toddlers Who Are Dual Language Learners
Product Description: Many Languages, Building Connections outlines adaptable strategies that caregivers of children younger than the age of three can use to feel confident that they know how language develops, how cultural differences can come into play, and how to assess an individual child's situation to provide appropriate support.
Many Languages, One Classroom: Teaching Dual and English Language Learners
Product Description: Even the most experienced teacher can feel a bit unsure about meeting the unique needs of children from different language backgrounds. Organized by interest areas and times of the day, you'll find everything you need to open the doors of literacy and learning for young English language learners during dramatic play, outdoor play, reading, science, blocks, and circle time.
Mi habitación / My Room (Bilingual Smart: Toddlers)
Product Description: This e-book is the first title in the BILINGUAL SMART: Toddlers series. The book includes twelve games that parents can play with their one to three year olds while getting dressed, looking for toys, or getting ready for bed. Each game also includes explanations of skills, additional phrases and vocabulary to extend learning, and notes to compare the two languages. The book comes with a free iTunes download audio companion and is also available in Spanish.
New Words, New Friends
New Words, New Friends is a storybook resource for teachers, librarians and parents to teach young children who speak different languages how to learn and play together. This heartwarming story of friendship that grows under the guidance of a nurturing and mindful teacher is the backdrop for an intentional social story on building communication skills for children in culturally and linguistically diverse preschools, story hours, or child care programs.