Marc Aronson

Marc Aronson is an author, editor, publisher, speaker, and historian who believes that young people, especially pre-teens and teenagers, are smart, passionate, and capable of engaging with interesting ideas in interesting ways. He has written history and biography nonfiction books for children and young adults, as well as nonfiction books for adults about teenage readers. He has become a strong voice for the role of high-quality nonfiction in support of the Common Core State Standards.

Aronson has written about larger-than-life contemporary figures such as J. Edgar Hoover and Robert F. Kennedy, as well as compelling historical figures like Oliver Cromwell and Sir Walter Raleigh. He has also researched and written sweeping in-depth books about the history and impact of the sugar trade, the cultural history of the avant-garde from 19th century Paris to today, the Salem witch trials, and a global history of race and relations.

In all of his work, Aronson’s mission is to inspire young people to ask questions, and to look deeply inside the stories the world brings us. He encourages kids to see themselves as detectives, examining the clues history has left behind, or as reporters, telling the truth about the modern world. Aronson says, "All of my books start with questions, and I hope they prompt readers to ask questions of their own."

Aronson also visits schools where he talks with teens about history and the arts, and leads workshops for teachers, librarians, and parents on topics such as how to get boys to read (he’s a supporter of the Guys Read project).

Aronson has a Ph.D. in American history from NYU. He lives with his wife, the author Marina Budhos, and two sons in Maplewood, New Jersey.

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