American Born Chinese

Three storylines — contemporary and mythic — intersect in this tale of a boy who is not comfortable with his culture or himself. This fresh, sometimes surprising, revealing novel is told in image and text. While author Gene Luen Yang says American Born Chinese is not strictly autobiographical, he does say that he pulled from his own life for inspiration. This graphic novel was the first of its format to win the Printz Award for best work of Young Adult Literature.
Culture/Community: Chinese / Chinese American
Themes for Middle Grade/YA: Bullying
Audiobook: No
Age Level: Middle Grade
Book Series: Across Cultures: Asian Pacific American Heritage (YA and Middle Grades), Between Two Worlds: Asian Pacific American Heritage, Graphic Novels and Comics , Tough Topics: Bullying Books for Middle Grades and YA, When Bias Impacts the AAPI Community: Books for Young People, Personal Stories: Asian American / Pacific Islander, Graphic Novels: Asian Pacific Heritage