Student Transience in North Carolina: The Effects of School Mobility on Student Outcomes Using Longitudinal Data

Organization: National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research: Zeyu Xu, Jane Hannaway, and Stephanie D'Souza.
This article discusses the significance and reasons behind school mobility, its effects on all students, and the determined factors that encourage mobility during the school year. The authors highlight the negative effects of school mobility at any period of the school year, not only for the students who are moving, but also for the schools who frequently receive new students in their classroom. The article also shows current data obtained from states like North Carolina that have shown an increased rate in school mobility on Hispanic students.


Xu, Z., Hannaway, J., and D'Souza, S. (2009). Student Transience in North Carolina: The Effect of School Mobility on Student Outcomes Using Longitudinal Data. North Carolina: National Center for Analysis of Longitudinal Data in Education Research.