Portrait of a Population: How English Language Learners are Putting Schools to the Test

Organization: Education Week; Pew Center on the States

Education Week's Quality Counts 2009 report focuses for the first time on English language learners. Produced in partnership with the Pew Center on the States, "Portrait of a Population: How English Language Learners are Putting Schools to the Test" provides a comprehensive look at state education policies and their impact on ELLs' achievement. The report includes detailed, state-specific data on funding for ELL programs, teacher preparation standards, instructional programs, and student outcomes. There are also articles on a variety of topics related to ELLs, including assessment, immigration, state policies, current research, and teacher preparation. A highlight of the report is a series of student profiles, featuring ELL students from around the world. This report is a must-read for anyone who works with English language learners. *Report must be purchased.


Education Week. (2009). Portrait of a Population: How English Language Learners are Putting Schools to the Test. Bethesda, Maryland.