Your child will benefit greatly if the important adults in his or her life family members and teachers work together.
On the following pages, you'll find many suggestions on how to:
If you need one, use an interpreter
Please don't let a language barrier stop you. What you have to say is more important than the language you say it in!
Find out if someone at the school can interpret for you. There may be a teacher or parent liaison who speaks Spanish. You can also bring a friend or relative to interpret for you.
You know your child best
You are an important person in your child's education. You know and love your child best! You have important knowledge about your child's likes, dislikes, needs, and problems.
It may be your son learns better when he sits close to the teacher. Maybe there was a death in the family and your child is having trouble concentrating. Letting the teacher know these things will help your child at school.
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