Social and Emotional Support for English Language Learners

Student using mood meter

The following resources highlight many different aspects of social and emotional learning (SEL) and supports for English language learners (ELLs) and immigrant students. This section also includes articles and video projects that highlight how schools around the country are supporting SEL in diverse communities.

Note: We have created two separate SEL resource sections related to ELLs and immigrant students. Many of the topics and considerations overlap, but it is also important to keep in mind that not all ELLs are immigrants and vice versa.

Colorín on the Go

For quick tips you can share, check out our SEL strategies on our free web app, Colorín on the Go!

Photo by Susan Hale Thomas, Videographer/Photographer, ACPS

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What You'll Find in This Section

Dental student checking child's teeth, Wolfe Street Academy in Baltimore (MD)
Visit Wolfe Street Academy in Baltimore, MD, a school with more than 60% ELLs, to see how this community school is supporting its students and families through programs and services that include dental screenings, food giveaways, after-school activities, and much, much more!

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