Effective Practices for English Language Learners

Organization: Rivera, David J. Francis, Magdalena Fernandez, Ani C. Moughamian, Julia Jergensen, Nonie K. Lesaux; Center on Instruction
The primary focus of the article is to discuss schools that have excelled at teaching their ELLs English and standard academic subjects simultaneously, as measured by ELLs' performance on state assessment of reading and math. The researchers studied 49 "exemplary" schools: their priorities, instructional strategies, obstacles, etc. (To select "exemplary" schools for focus, the researchers studied the 5 states with the highest concentrations of ELLs (CA, FL, MA, TX, NM), found schools with especially high numbers of ELLs and low SES, and then identified those with the largest differences between predicted and actual performance.)


Rivera, M. O., Francis, D. J., Fernandez, M., Moughamian, A. C., Lesaux, N. K., & Jergensen, J. (2010). Effective practices for English language learners. Principals from five states speak. Portsmouth, NH: RMC Research Corporation, Center on Instruction.