Life in the big city is filled with lots of sights, sounds, smells, and new people to meet and greet! These books capture life in the city from a child's point of view and all of the adventures that await children outside their door.
From learning to put socks on to laundy dry to matching outfits (or not), young children will love these books about clothes, shoes, and more! Some of the stories focus on special clothing worn for traditional celebrations or holidays.
These books for young readers address big changes that can be hard to talk about.
Losing a tooth can be exciting and a little bit scary. It also can prompt all kinds of questions — especially if your tooth goes missing!
Zoom! Whoosh! Beep! Vroom! Young children love things that go and the sounds they make! Take a look at these books for stories of things that go...and the people who make them move.
Whether it's the school bus or a city bus, riding the bus is a big adventure with lots of sights and sounds (not to mention songs)!
Kayla lost a tooth. She put it in the special pocket in her tooth fairy pillow and now her tooth is missing! If she can't find it, the tooth fairy won't come.
Lailah is in a new school in a new country, thousands of miles from her old home, and missing her old friends.
Malik, a Pakistani boy who uses a wheelchair, is excited to compete in the annual kite-flying festival of Basant. Can his kite defeat the bully's and make him King of the festival?