Young girl with unicorn
By: Susan Tan
Illustrated by:

Priscilla "Cilla" Lee-Jenkins is on a tight deadline. Her baby sister is about to be born, and Cilla needs to become a bestselling author before her family forgets all about her. So she writes about what she knows best―herself!

Young boy with a pot and his two friends
By: Aisha Saeed
Illustrated by:

Six-year-old Bilal is excited to help his dad make his favorite food of all-time: daal! The slow-cooked lentil dish from South Asia requires lots of ingredients and a whole lot of waiting. Bilal wants to introduce his friends to daal.

Young girl looking at internment camp
By: Kiku Hughes

Kiku is on vacation in San Francisco when suddenly she finds herself displaced to the 1940s Japanese-American internment camp that her late grandmother, Ernestina, was forcibly relocated to during World War II.

Young girl with a wand
By: Anna Kim

Danbi is thrilled to start her new school in America after moving from Korea. But a bit nervous too, for when she walks into the classroom, everything goes quiet. Everyone stares.

A girl with birds in a cage
By: Frederick Lipp
Illustrated by:

Ary, a young Cambodian girl, saves her money to buy a caged bird from the bird lady on which Ary makes a wish for her poor family's future and then sets free so it will carry her wishes into the open sky.
