By: Paul Goble
Iktomi, the Lakota trickster, is himself tricked into losing his eyes. He then tricks Mouse and Buffalo into giving him one each of their eyes, but seeing the world through their eyes isn't quite what he expected.
Sarah came to the prairie from Maine to marry Papa. But that summer, a drought turned the land dry and brown. Fires swept across the fields and coyotes came to the well in search of water. So Sarah took Anna and Caleb back east, where they would be safe.
By: Verna Aardema
Illustrated by:

Left alone to graze, Borreguita outsmarts the fierce coyote who thinks the small lamb would be a tasty lunch. This tale from Ayutla, Mexico, is retold with sly humor and illustrated with dramatic, full color illustrations.

When their mother leaves, 11 year old Journey can’t believe she won’t return. But he and his older sister must deal with this loss, each in his or her own way.
When Anna leaves the family farm to finish school, her younger brother Caleb inherits the responsibility of recording their family's story. The return of an old relative stirs up mixed emotions and leaves Caleb with plenty to write about.
By: Jane Yolen
Illustrated by:
Sort-of-serious illustrations are perfect for this comical parody of familiar science fiction films. The brave commander of the Star Warts spacecraft is a Toad who saves his ship from the dangers of a watery planet and its resident monster, Deep Wader.
By: Deborah Hodge
What has six legs, is very strong, always busy, and probably lives in your neighborhood? The ant, of course! Find out more about this small insect, then try your hand at some ant-related projects.
By: Jane Yolen
Illustrated by:
Commander Toad and the crew of the Star Warts are back, this time to confront villainous space pirates. As in other Commander Toad books, puns and silliness are complemented by humorous illustrations.
By: Jane Yolen
Illustrated by:
What is beautiful and how beauty is demonstrated is the subject of this funny and rather surprising Sleeping Beauty parody. Comic illustrations augment the humor and satire.
