Young woman looking in the distance
By: An Na

Young Yu is only four years old when she takes an airplane from Korea to California, feeling she is only "a step from Heaven." Her narration subtly matures as she grows into a capable young woman, ready to go off to college in this sophisticated, movin

Kerri Bohringer is an ESL Teacher at Poughkeepsie High School in Poughkeepsie, NY. Her students are primarily Spanish-speakers. Arabic, Chinese, Patois and Vietnamese speakers also diversify the group.

Young woman with everyday objects flowing from her head scarf
By: Reem Faruqi

When her family moves from Pakistan to Peachtree City, all Nurah wants is to blend in, yet she stands out for all the wrong reasons.

Boy on coast
By: Adrianna Cuevas

When the failed Bay of Pigs invasion in 1961 solidifies Castro’s power in Cuba, twelve-year-old Cumba’s family makes the difficult decision to send him to Florida alone.

New York city-scape with flowers
By: Ruth Behar

In this multicultural coming-of-age narrative — based on the author’s childhood in the 1960s — a young Cuban-Jewish immigrant girl is adjusting to her new life in New York City when her American dream is suddenly derailed.

Young girl in front of new school
By: Mei Yu

Being the new kid in school is scary enough. But imagine what it would be like if you were the new kid in a new school, in a new country. That’s exactly the situation Mei Yu finds herself in when her family moves from China to Canada.

The increasing role that immigrants and their children are playing in American society, Sandy Baum and Stella Flores argue, makes it essential that as many young newcomers as possible enroll and succeed in postsecondary education.
