By: Jen Bryant
Illustrated by:
Though he practiced medicine, William Carlos Williams became a recognized poet continuing well into his sixties.
Young boy with a cape

Since he forgets to distribute the lists for the neighborhood picnic, Oscar must launch into action. He shops, sets the table and whips up the food — in a most unusual way — for the best picnic ever!

By: Sieb Posthuma
Benny es un perrito blanco de orejas blancas y collar rojo que no puede encontrar su hueso favorito. ¡De hecho Benny no puede oler nada!
By: Sieb Posthuma

Benny is a white dog with black ears and a red collar who can't find his favorite bone. In fact, Benny can't smell anything!

Rafi and Rosi playing on the beach
By: Lulu Delacre

Three short stories present three adventures shared by Rafi and Rosi, young tree frogs who live in Puerto Rico. Rosi knows that her older brother is magic; not only can he find things in the sand, he can also make the sea shine!

By: Roald Dahl
Charlie is a poor but admirable boy who finds one of five tickets that provide entry into Willie Wonka's fabulous factory. Ultimately, it is Charlie's ethical behavior that wins, saves his family and begins yet another adventure.
By: Alma Flor Ada

"Stories have delighted both children and adults for as long as there have been families and communities on Earth." So begins the informative introduction to the dozen takes which are presented here to charm another generation, ideal for reading indepe
