Child sleeping under sky
By: Francisco X. Alarcón
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Dreams are for the day and the night. Children dream for themselves as well as their community and their world. Short poems, richly imagined and vibrantly illustrated appear in English and Spanish and are firmly rooted in a child's experience.

By: Mordicai Gerstein
A baby jay, a small stripped kitten and a little girl with a bike come together in an unexpected way with wonderful results, as each grows and gains confidence.
By: Colby Rodowsky
Illustrated by:
Ellie was promised a puppy of her own before she turned 9 years old. But that was before her great aunt had to give up her dog, who Ellie’s parents take in.
By: Tina Matthews
This reworked version of the traditional tale of the hardworking, unaided Little Red Hen continues until her own baby chick befriends the offspring of the lazy cat, rat and pig and together they play.
By: Erica S. Perl
Illustrated by:
The countdown to bedtime begins as farm animals go through familiar routines in preparation for sleep. Illustrations use bold shapes in primary colors, to complement rhyming bedtime rituals very well-known to children and their parents.
By: Erica S. Perl
Illustrated by:
The rhyming conversation between a boy and his dad begins when a naughty chicken follows them home. As the father reads his newspaper, the boy asks, "You know what?" "What?" A turn of the page reveals the rhyming response.
By: Erica S. Perl
Illustrated by:
The rascally child introduced in Chicken Butt returns. Here, he gets his poor mom to say all kinds of rhyming words as he plays with homophones (think: but, butt; bare, bear).
By: Erica S. Perl
Illustrated by:
Like many children, Ida is accompanied by her imaginary friend to her first day of school. As the year goes on, however, other children forget their chums. Not so for Ida and her ever-loyal Dotty who wind up in a bit of trouble.
By: Erica S. Perl
Illustrated by:
His teacher keeps count as a boy describes the comings and goings of the 93 human and animal members of his full household. Readers will want to calculate, too, as they enjoy the animated chaos in this engaging counting adventure.
