By: Joy Cowley
Illustrated by:

Cuando un niño puertorriqueño en Nueva York recibe un pavo en noviembre como regalo, decide que no puede sacrificar a su nueva mascota para el banquete del Día de Acción de Gracias.

By: Alma Flor Ada

When a snowstorm prevents most of Gaby and Beto's relatives from getting to the Thanksgiving feast, their grandmother comes with a group of people who make the celebration truly something special.

By: Michael Dorris
Moss is unhappy that his father has invited peculiarly dressed strangers to a feast and so runs away for a time. He encounters a girl named Trouble as well as a porcupine which propels his growth.
By: Neil Philip
Period photographs and excerpts from both well and lesser known people form various tribes introduces cultural, religious, and philosophical beliefs of Native Americans in a fully documented and attractive volume.

Try as he might, Mr. McGreely cannot outwit three clever and hungry rabbits as they feast on his vegetable garden — muncha, muncha, muncha!

Though they have a spat over who is to be Head Cook, best friends — Squirrel, Cat, and Duck — wind up making the best pumpkin soup ever. Their friendship as well as the soup is something for which to be grateful!

By: Isabella Juliana Craig Hatkoff Gerald Uhlich
When first born, this small offspring of a circus bear was small enough to fit in one hand. Brought to the Berlin Zoo, Knut the baby polar bear went on to capture the hearts and imaginations of many people around the world.
By: Ellen Levine
Illustrated by:
This riveting account is based on the true story of Henry Brown, a slave who literally mailed himself to freedom. Dramatic illustrations show what young Henry endured during his grueling trip to Pennsylvania.
