By: Isabel Allende

In the midst of his mother's struggle with cancer, fifteen-year-old Alexander Cold has the opportunity to take the trip of a lifetime.

By: Carole Boston Weatherford
Poems and photographs subtly introduce the stunning church bombing in which four girls were killed. Readers come to know each child as individuals as well as glimpse this sad, tumultuous period while looking toward a more hopeful future.
By: Lucille Clifton
Illustrated by:

A boy named King Shabazz doesn't believe in spring. With his friend, Tony Polito, King Shabazz explores their gritty city neighborhood and discovers that spring does exist even in an unlikely place.

By: Irene Kelly
Birds live all over the world, but their nests come in many sizes, shapes, and some even borrow (or snitch) homes in which to lay and hatch their young. This lively introduction to various birds and their habits will likely absorb, inform, and inspire.
By: Aliki

A child goes quietly out to the garden where he can almost hear the creatures respond to his curiosity about their actions.

By: Jacqueline Woodson
A common love of Tupac Shakur unites three preteens: two from comfortable lives and one, D Foster, who can really relate to Tupac's lyrics.
By: Jacqueline Woodson
Disguised as boys, Lena and her sister Dion flee their father's abuse. They hitchhike to their mother's hometown in Kentucky in hopes of finding a relative to care for them.
By: Jacqueline Woodson

Through a class poetry assignment, fifth-grader Lonnie reveals the house fire that killed his parents, his separation from his sister, his life in foster care, and his community's struggle with poverty and racism.

By: Christopher Krovatin
Sam is a metal-head. Sure, he bangs his head, drinks, and smokes, but none of that has ever kept him from getting great grades at his prep school. Then he starts dating Melissa.
By: Dennis King
This oversized book features posters made to advertise recent rock shows. Some bands are well known; others are really obscure. With great graphics and artist profiles, this book will appeal to music lovers and illustrators alike.
