By: David Doubilet Jennifer Hayes
Underwater photographers, Hayes & Doubilet, provide basic information about their work as photographers as well as about sharks, their habitats, and the challenges faced by sharks in lucid text and stunning photographs, the latest in this captivating
By: Nikki Grimes
Illustrated by:

Self confident, cheerful, and bright but friendless, Dyamond is the newest kid in Mrs. Cordell's 3rd grade. That is, until a grumpy boy named Free moves to town — and a friendship begins.

By: Brian Floca
Relive the journey of the Apollo 11 where the first people stepped on the moon's surface and saw Earth from a very different perspective. Eloquent language and illustrations combine to present this historical event in a unique, unforgettable way.
By: Brian Dennis Kirby Larson Mary Nethery
Nubs was the leader of a pack of wild dogs in Iraq but became part of a human pack when he met Marine Major Brian Dennis. The story of this amazing friendship is all the more remarkable as it happened in a war zone.
By: Jane Yolen
Illustrated by:
The story of a Russian family's emigration to the United States parallels the travel from Paris of Bartholdi’s statue of Lady Liberty. Both tell moving sagas and intersect in a unique way. poignant illustrations make this a memorable presentation.
By: Katherine Zecca
Follow the life of a puffin pair as they nest, hatch, care for, and teach their "puffling" until it can live independently. A note about Puffin Project concludes this handsome and dramatic book.
By: Julie Bertagna
Another dystopic tale, this one in a futuristic world in which floods threaten to drown all of civilization. Mara sets out on a flotilla to find food and land, but some of those she encounters suspect she is more than just an ordinary 15-year old.
