By: Mary Pope Osborne
Louisa May Alcott briefly worked as a nurse during the Civil War before becoming ill herself. In this fantasy, Jack and Annie travel back to the Civil War, meeting Clara Barton and help nurse the soldiers wounded in battle.
By: Joan Leotta
Massachusetts may be best known as the place where Pilgrims landed on Plymouth Rock.
By: Ann Turner
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When Nettie and her family travel to the South, they see enslaved people. Nettie is literally sickened by it and realizes how wrong slavery is. This fictional story is both realistic and heart wrenching.

By: Marc Brown
DW's plot to fool the tooth fairy doesn't work so Arthur, her brother of tooth-losing age, assumes a magical role himself. This easier-to-read book is just right for new readers and has stickers intended to reinforce vocabulary.
By: Kate McMullan
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Fluffy, the class pet guinea pig wants to lose a tooth to meet the tooth fairy but then learns that guinea pigs don't lose teeth; rather they gnaw to wear them down.
By: Paul Showers
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Babies don't have teeth as they don't need them yet. But as children grow, teeth grow in and then fall out to be replaced by adult teeth.
By: Barbara Parks
Junie B. worries about her loose tooth. If she's the first in her class to lose a tooth, will she appear different, weird?
By: Laurie Keller
Dr. Flossman welcomes his class of incisors, canines, etc. (appropriately for each of the typical mouth's 32 teeth), providing actual information in a wacky, slightly abstract combination of art and story.
