boy with calavera
By: George Ancona

This compelling photo essay from George Ancona follows the preparations of young Pablo and his family for the Day of the Dead as they remember Pablo's grandmother.

Illustration of a skeleton playing a guitar
By: Bob Barner

Bright illustrations convey the festive traditions of the Latin American celebration known as the Day of the Dead accompanied by a straightforward Spanish/English text.

By: Tanya Lee Stone
Amelia Earhart was a fiesty 11-year-old when she saw her first air show. Little did she know that a passing fancy for airplanes would develop into a full-throttled passion.
By: Tanya Lee Stone
Abraham Lincoln, sixteenth president of the United States, led the nation through its darkest hour — the Civil War.
By: Tanya Lee Stone

1961. Nearly two decades before Sally Ride — there was Jerrie Cobb. Cobb was one of the top female pilots in the country and completed all the astronaut testing the Mercury 7 men did. She excelled at all the tests. Proved she had the Right Stuff.

By: Candace Fleming
Illustrated by:
Jack is invited to the princess' birthday party but is too poor to buy a worthy gift so instead bakes a cake. It never gets delivered, however, but the clever boy gives the most lasting gift of all: an engaging story.
By: Mark Gonyea
Straightforward language and boldly colored illustrations of geometric shapes combine to present an overview of color mixing and the color wheel for young artists.
By: Graham Salisbury
Fourth grader Calvin Coconut is back for another adventure. Calvin's new dog, Streak — who has extreme halitosis — and his science "discovery" project intersect before Calvin's mom makes him return Streak to the shelter.
