Young girl in front of new school
By: Mei Yu

Being the new kid in school is scary enough. But imagine what it would be like if you were the new kid in a new school, in a new country. That’s exactly the situation Mei Yu finds herself in when her family moves from China to Canada.

The increasing role that immigrants and their children are playing in American society, Sandy Baum and Stella Flores argue, makes it essential that as many young newcomers as possible enroll and succeed in postsecondary education.

By: Rachel Qitsualik-Tinsley Sean Qitsualik-Tinsley

In this adventurous novel set in the ancient Arctic, a wandering Inuit hunter named Kannujaq happens upon a camp in grave peril. The inhabitants of the camp are Tuniit, a race of ancient Inuit ancestors known for their shyness and meekness.

Illustration of a tween arriving at a house
By: Kelly Yang

When ten-year-old Lina Gao steps off the plane in Los Angeles, it's her first time in America and the first time seeing her parents and her little sister in five years!

Young girl in front of other girls who are playing
By: Sandra Niebuhr-Siebert
Illustrated by:

At Mina's kindergarten she listens to stories, songs and chatter in an unfamiliar language. She tries out sounds that roar in her throat and tickle her tongue until the new words feel like her own.
