Father and Child
By: Arthur Dorros
Illustrated by:

Product Description: A young boy and his papa may speak both Spanish and English, but the most important language they speak is the language of love.

By: Susan Cooper
When the Volnick family accidentally brings a Boggart home to Toronto from Scotland, the results are tumultuous and very funny. It's up to Jess and Emily to figure out how to return the rascally spirit.
By: Susan Cooper
Until it strikes uncomfortably close to home, three English boys are fascinated by the war and the bombing of their city, London.
By: Susan Cooper
Nat Field finds friendship and relief from the loss of his parents when acting and is thrilled when chosen to go to England to perform in the new Globe Theater.
By: Susan Cooper
Boy is transported to the Land of Story when the Magician's Saint George puppet disappears. There Boy meets well known characters from traditional tales, demonstrates great bravery, and gains a real name.
By: Susan Cooper
While on holiday, the Drew children Barney, Simon, and Jane find a map in a hidden room in the Cornwall house, involving them and their great uncle, Merry, in a struggle between good and evil steeped in Arthurian legend.
By: Jeff Mack
Good news: rabbit has a picnic to share with his friend mouse; bad news: it starts to rain. So it goes — good and bad events — until mouse is overwhelmed by the bad news, hurting rabbit's feelings.
Animals near the jungle
By: Il Sung Na

Animals at the "edge of the vast rain forest" play hide and seek. As Elephant slowly counts to 10, others hide. Elephant finds all of his friends easily — except Chameleon.

By: Kim Norman
Illustrated by:
A wee piggy escapes his boy at the fair for a very colorful adventure around the fair. The naughty pig "wallowed in white to go with the red…" but "It's not polite to wallow in white…" The boy catches up just in time to see his pig win a blue ribbon.
By: Lee Wardlaw
Illustrated by:

From one end of the United States to the other, the 4th of July is celebrated: on beaches, with parades, picnics, and of course fireworks.
